Monday, June 16, 2014

Robins AFB Sprint Triathlon and Training While Sick

Good Evening Internet World,

I hope everyone is having a good week so far!

So, this past Saturday we drove to base to do the 2nd Annual Robins AFB Triathlon and even though it was short, it was tough. It was a 500m swim, 12.9 mile bike, and a 5k run. I had just gotten in from Las Vegas the night before, and not fully recovered from a nasty cold. This should be fun.

500m Swim: The swim was done in a 50m pool. They seperated everyone by 15 seconds. So every 15 seconds someone jumps in the pool, swims to the end, scoots over one lane, and swims back. Basically everyone was zigzagging back and forth through the pool. By the time I jumped in, it was like trying to swim in a washing machine. I also quickly found out that swimming with a cold isn't very fun. But as I finished my last 50m I stood up to check my watch to see how fast (slow) I did my swim and saw "0724." I had forgotten to start my stopwatch... Swim time: unknown.

12.9 Mile Bike: By far, the shortest and strangest distance I have ever seen in a triathlon. Anyway, the bike went pretty smoothly. I was able to catch my breath, pass a few people, let a few people pass me, and enjoy the ride for the most part. And surely I would remember to start my watch for the bike ride. Well, I didn't remember, and don't call me Shirley. Bike time: unknown.

5k Run: The run was on the 5k trail on base. A trail I have run at least 1 million times. Finally I would be at home and be able to catch some people on the run! Well, the sickness and the jet lag had a say in the matter. So, I slugged along the 3.1 miles, and  just kept reminding myself I was sick. My time? No idea. Forgot to hit the stopwatch again.

When it was all said and done, I had a good time. No matter how long/short the race is or how easy/difficult it is, it is always awesome to see your biggest fans at the finish line cheering you on.

Another plus to the race was that we met up with the Warner Robins Team RWB (Red, White and Blue) group. They are a local chapter of a national organization that enriches the lives of veterans through physical & social activities. They are a fun group of folks and I cant wait to do more events with them.

More training: Later that day, I snuck in an hour long bike on the trainer. It seemed to go pretty well. The next morning Benny woke us up super early so we decided to knock out our long run before it got too hot. Before mile 1 I knew it was going to be a difficult run. But we kept going, and going, and going. We got in an 8.5 mile run at a painfully slow pace, but hey, I had a long week, and long weekend, so I'll take it. Plus, it was a new PR for Katie - her longest run yet, so I was pretty excited about that!

So, if I could give a word to the wise it would be, "If you're sick, do not race or train." But that would be against my personality, and probably against yours. So I'll say this, "I do what I want."

Donation Update:
We have raised $300 so far, which is 15% of our final goal!

Thanks to Dad, Kelly, Dave, Nolan, Leo & Jake for sponsoring a total of 10 miles!

Click here to donate to the kids of The Methodist Children's Home!

Until next time,

"A word to the wise ain't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need the advice." Bill Cosby 

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